To translate into your language

Our impact

Our year in numbers

Learning English is vitally important to the capabilities and integration of LEAH clients. Having limited English can impact access vital services, including housing, education, health care and to find sustainable work. We enable clients to gain confidence, develop support networks, access services for themselves and their children and make their first steps towards college, volunteering and employment. Our work changes people's lives; empowering people to discover and take opportunities to actively integrate and participate in their local communities.

Read our Theory of Change to find out what is causing the problems many people with limited English and barriers to accessing formal education face, our impact goal, the mechanisms by which we engage with LEAH clients and the short, medium and long term outcomes LEAH clients achieve.


302 adults supported

45% of 1:1 clients in 2020 moved on to a remote community class

66 volunteers recruited throughout the year


LEAH’s client impact

Remote 1:1 Programme


made a significant improvement in their spoken English


know how and when to access health services


reported they were more self confident


felt less isolated


know about health services available to them locally


felt they had improved their digital skills

Remote Community Classes


felt their English was better


improved their wellbeing and reduced their isolation


were more confident to speak to their GP


knew how and when to access health & wellbeing services


wanted to join other activities in the local area


felt they had improved their digital skills